Our Leader

Bishop Gregory Cooper, Sr.
Senior Pastor/Teacher
Bishop Gregory Cooper, Sr. is the Senior Pastor/Teacher of two great ministries Antioch & Morning Star Full Gospel Baptist Churches both located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
After serving so faithfully since the conception of The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship under the Leadership of his Spiritual Father Bishop Paul S. Morton Sr., he was elevated and consecrated to the Office of Bishop in 2008. Bishop Cooper now serves as the Regional Bishop for the Southern Region.
He is the father of two children; Sharonda Epps (Husband-Daron Epps) and (the late) Gregory Jr. – and the proud grandparent of four Dwayne Dunn, Jr., Treasure Soul Dunn, DHeaven Lyric Dunn and Zoe Epps.
Bishop Cooper is a man after God’s own heart and fervently believes and states every day, “Today is a GREAT day to be ALIVE, and tomorrow will be even BETTER!”™ and faithfully encourages others to “Expect Your WOW moment”.